berita industri

Daftar Istilah 5 Tentang Wiring Harnes

A female flange mounted wiring device with the conducting elements recessed behind the mating
surface. Often referred to as an outlet. This type of device is normally wired to be live when nothing is
plugged in to it. Therefore, receptacles are wired to the source of power.
Restriction of Hazardous Substances; A European directive dictating materials that may not be used in
the manufacture of certain products. Materials restricted include: Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent
Chromium, Polybrominated Byphenyls, and Plybrominated Diphenyl Ether.
The designation to Remove […]

Daftar Istilah 4 Tentang Rangkaian Kabel

Perangkat pengkabelan yang dipasang pada flensa jantan dengan pin penghantar menonjol dan terbuka. Perangkat jenis ini
tidak boleh dikabelkan untuk membuat pin yang terbuka tetap hidup saat perangkat kawin dicabut.
Bahan yang membungkus konduktor mencegah kebocoran arus dari konduktor.
Peringkat IP
Ingress Protection Rating; A two digit code, and an optional letter, specifying the level of protection from
foreign objects with the first digit referring to protection from solids and the second digit referring to protection
from liquids. The […]

Daftar Istilah 3 Tentang Rangkaian Kabel

A safety device consisting of a strip of wire that melts and breaks an electric circuit if the current exceeds
a safe level.
Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter; An electrical wiring device that disconnects a circuit whenever it
detects that the electric current is not balanced between the energized conductor and the return neutral
conductor. Such an imbalance is sometimes caused by current leakage through the body of a person
who is grounded and accidentally touching the energized part of the circuit.
A connection between an electrical device […]

Daftar Istilah 2 Tentang Rangkaian Kabel

A female cord mounted wiring device with the conducting elements recessed behind the mating surface.
This type of device is normally wired to be live when nothing is plugged in to it. Therefore, connectors
are wired to the source of power.
Canadian Standards Association; A Canadian product safety and certification organization. Their
registered mark shows that a product has been independently tested and certified to meet recognized
standards for safety or performance.
The rate of flow of electrical energy through a conductor or wire, comparable […]

Daftar Istilah 1 Tentang Rangkaian Kabel

Perangkat bergaya kabel atau blok dengan ujung berbeda yang memungkinkan perangkat berbeda untuk terhubung.
Arus Bolak-balik; Arus listrik yang naik dari nol sampai maksimum dalam satu arah, turun ke nol dan kemudian naik ke maksimum dalam arah yang berlawanan, and then repeats another cycle.
Amps/Amperes/Ampacity/Rated Amperage -measurement of the flow rate of electricity. If you think in terms of water through a hose, amperage would be a measure of water volume flowing through the hose.
American Wire Gauge; standard […]

Apa itu kabel LVDS

Sinyal diferensial tegangan rendah, atau LVDS, adalah standar sinyal digital listrik yang dapat berjalan pada kecepatan sangat tinggi melalui kabel tembaga pasangan terpilin yang murah. Ini menentukan rincian tingkat kelistrikan untuk interoperabilitas antara input dan output pada chip sirkuit terpadu. Karena ini hanya spesifikasi lapisan fisik saja, banyak standar komunikasi data dan aplikasi menggunakannya tetapi kemudian menambahkan lapisan data link seperti yang didefinisikan dalam model OSI di atasnya.
2.Application of LVDS cable
TV LCD, sistem infotainment otomotif, industrial cameras […]

MOLEX Quick-Disconnect Terminals

Quick-Disconnect (QD) Terminals are constructed of tin-plated brass, per NEMA specifications, that area available insulated, non-insulated, or partially insulated. The insulators are molded vinyl (PVC), extruded nylon or molded nylon. The Quick Disconnect family consists of fully insulated male quick disconnects, Avikrimp™ fully-insulated quick disconnects, Flags and Piggyback Quick Disconnects.

Ecocables is able to supply all molex quick-disconnect terminals on the wire harness. And Chinese equivalent terminals are also available. Chinese equivalent is more cost-effective and fast delivery.

what is ferrite core

Dalam bidang elektronik, a ferrite core is a type of magnetic core made of ferrite on which the windings of electric transformers and other wound components such as inductors are formed. It is used for its properties of high magnetic permeability coupled with low electrical conductivity (which helps prevent eddy currents). Because of their comparatively low losses at high frequencies, they are extensively used in the cores of RF transformers and inductors in applications such as switched-mode power supplies, Dan […]

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